Saturday, September 10, 2011


We're laying in her bed as she attempts to unwind from the day.  We've read her stories and, not quite ready to close her eyes, she asks me to read to her from my book.  This happens every so often.  So, I do.

My reading tonight is of mindfulness, the Buddhist idea of bringing ourselves fully into the present moment.  It is a gift we give others, it is a gift we give ourselves, and this author argues, it can be a way to fully experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

I read a few short pages and place the book on the night stand.  Even for me, this takes some digesting and I want to sink myself into the ideas on these few pages.  I roll over and close my eyes, in hopes that she will do the same.

She sings quietly as I drift peacefully to sleep . . . "We can change the world."

I reply, "Yes, we can," and we both fall fast asleep.


  1. Such tenderness and "community" - just beautiful. -Cindy

  2. how wonderful you are bringing this sense of being present to your daughter so early in life. THAT is how we change the world.

  3. Oh what a beautiful post! And the sleeping picture is perfect...perfect mothering, perfect presence!


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Peace be with you.