Wednesday, July 4, 2012

a sweet gift

Some times Mama's need a break.  A break from holding the baby, comforting him, soothing him, knowing he's tired, recognizing signs of hunger, especially on a particularly cranking day.  I remember those days from when my children were babies.I remember that feeling: I just can't hold this baby one minute longer.

I saw this on my sister's face a few days ago.  Her look of gentle exhaustion.  Knowing she would do whatever her baby needed of her.  But longing to have just a few minutes where her body was her own.

Then I remembered the most precious gift my husband would sometimes give me.  When I wore this look, he would gently take our child and walk.  He would show our children the world - the leaves, the trees, the sky, the house.  He would talk so quietly, his voice so soothing it would settle any fear.

Often each child would find their way into peaceful slumber.  And he would keep walking.

I've seen this same magic from my own father.  Countless hours he's spent walking sleeping babies.  I'm sure he would not use the word countless, though.

I nudged Papa Bear and he recognized that look on my sister's face. He moved swiftly, but softly to scoop up her child.  And they walked. And walked.  Eventually, this child, too, lulled into a peaceful place. 

Ahhhh!  Such a gift from these men in my life.  Such a beautiful gift!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful gift indeed! And the photos you took are amazing!

    Sending love to ALL of you!


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