Thursday, March 8, 2012

what's in a name

I'm switching gears a bit these days.  I've been quite concerned about anonymity and protecting my family as I've entered this very visible space.  And I've struggled with how to make my family stories personal without calling each, particularly my children, by name.

But I've discovered that names are so critical to the personalization of a story.  "My oldest" or "my daughter" just doesn't describe the intimacy in our relationships.  It's been awkward to write and presumably awkward to read.  So, I'm moving to names.

I can't, of course, move to their real names.  I could, but I'm still paranoid and protective.  So I won't.

But, I will move to names that fully describe them and their little (or sometimes not-so-little) personalities.  

My husband will be Papa since that's actually what we all call him.  Sometimes it's even Papa Bear (as seen in this post via the large PB tatoo'd on his belly!).  

My son will be Mr. Man which is often what I call him in those awe-filled moments in which he seems to grow and mature before my very eyes.  He does that quite often, you know.  He'd like to be called Annoying, but I just can't get beyond the sense of name calling that would be.  I'm overruling this one.

My oldest daughter will be Peace for oh. so. many. reasons.  First, because she knows that the idea of peace is important to me.  Second, because she's adopted the same value.  Third, because her favorite shape is the peace sign and her wardrobe is splattered with peace signs in every size and color.  Lastly, because she brings peace to her every day.

My youngest will be Pie because she is yummy and delicious and squishy and scrumptious.  She loves to hug and snuggle and provides more comfort than a warm apple pie following the first chill in the autumn air.

So there you have it.  A fresh introduction to the family you've been reading about for over a year.  I hope you enjoy them by name.  I know I simply enjoy telling our story.


  1. Great idea! (and I like your choices!)

  2. Love!!

    And you so aptly describe the dilemma of the intimacy and privacy both needed in these public spaces! :)

  3. You know I struggled with this too! I love the names you chose for them <3

    When I chose the ones for my kids it was with the same reasoning. There's a reason they are called Pants and Plum :)


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Peace be with you.