Sunday, August 21, 2011

teaching death

A difficult title, I know.

It's been a tough weekend for my children.  First, the disappointing news that we wouldn't be able to go to a promised opening night of a much anticipated movie.  I know this seems trivial, but for my oldest, this was a BIG deal.  He sobbed, but listened to the alternatives and graciously pulled himself together to make a good, yet difficult decision.  It was a big moment.

Though, the difficult news expanded into his evening as we put him to bed and noticed his pet fish of two years was swimming erratically in the tank.  The end was near.  Again, the emotional tears followed by questions.  We agreed to pray - him for his fish to live, me for his fish to not suffer and pass quickly.  A familiar and opposing prayer for anyone who has lost someone they love.

A few nights ago we talked about my grandfather.  It would have been his birthday, how many years I am not sure.  I shared this with my son and he asked me to tell him more.  My grandfather was a kind and funny man.  He LOVED his grandchildren.  I remember the walks to the ice cream store, the pasta dinners at his home, and football - on television, at the stadium.  He spoiled us well.

My son's remark - I wish I could meet him.  My reply, Someday you will meet him - in heaven.  

He continued, My teacher (at a church program) told me that we wouldn't go to heaven if we don't believe in Jesus.  My heart sank.  

There are lots of folks that believe that, I said, but I don'tI believe God loves us all and will bring us all home to heaven.  He liked that idea and settled.

Tonight, we buried our fish friend and closed that chapter.  As we walked back to the house we saw a rainbow.  My son exclaimed, maybe the rainbow is good luck, Mom.

Maybe, I replied.

1 comment:

  1. Hard times bring wonderful opportunities for bonding. I think you made the most of this one. (And you took a GREAT photo of the rainbow!)


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