Monday, August 1, 2011

Meditation Images

My eyes are closed.  In front of me appears a funnel-like image.  It is blueish against the black background of my meditation.  On the surface of the funnel are hundreds of white-framed images, photos I think.  I recognize them as my thoughts.  Most are of work, some of home, some of the conversation about faith that dances in my head.

I am overwhelmed by the sheer number of images I see.  For it is rare for me to visualize anything in meditation and I know there is a reason these images have appeared today.  My body has been sensing for days the familiar chaos of August.  The tension in my neck is mounting, the tired in my eyes is appearing.  My heart is racing and I feel my body pulling back, resisting this busyness of August.  

For years, this month brought new beginnings, fresh starts, renewed energy, new friends.  But not this year.  This year it's bringing tornado like images and sensations within my heart and mind.

And it makes me wonder, why am I here?  Is this the place for me anymore?

Tears fall down my face, eyes still closed, body still immersed in the lotus position.  This, too, is a recent effect of meditation.  Tears.

There is a reason for this that will be revealed in time.  In time . . .


  1. Wow. Thank you for sharing that. It's so intense to do the deep work, isn't it! Congrats on the tears. Follow your heart!

  2. Oh G, I am right with you my dear dear friend. I have been afraid to go to that place -- fully answering the question "Is this where I am supposed to be..."

    I am proud of you, and sending blessings your way!


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Peace be with you.