Hi! It's me - G. Remember me. I've been away a while. I was sick. The fever, chills, sweats, sleeping all the time, but can't sleep, can't read, can't write, can't think, cough, cough, cough kind of sick. For over a week kind of sick.
Well the fever is mostly gone. Thank Heaven.
And my energy is slowly returning. Thank Heaven.
And, today, for the first time in a week, the creative juices started flowing again. Thank Heaven.
All the while, there has been an amazing care team working around me. My husband quickly picked up the care-taking parent role and changed his work schedule to take kids to school, pick them up, etc. Homework, baths, bed - yep - he did that, too. I'd include dinner, but I'm one of those lucky gals that usually has dinner on the table when I get home from work anyway!
There was even a worrier in the mix. "Mom, I can't sleep in my room because I'm worried about you. I want you to feel better. Can I sleep here with you?" she says half because she really means it and half because she really wants to sleep in bed with me. (Yes, she did follow that up with a "Mom, can you scratch my back?"). Sigh.
They noticed things were different. We couldn't share cups (yes, we usually do); we couldn't finish each other's leftovers (yes, we usually do). Mom's asleep on the couch, again, so we'd better play in the other room. They slipped seamlessly into a new rhythm while I rested and recovered. Amazing...simply amazing.
I sure hope I will not be sick like this again for many years to come. If I have to, though, I'm thankful for my care team.
Photograph taken by our 3-year-old who took over as camera lady while I was sick. |