Tuesday, January 17, 2012

all grown up

We have a birthday coming up.  My youngest will turn 4 years old!  Oh my, where has the time gone?

I realized the other day, how quickly she is growing up.  So much faster than my older two.

She has this "Get out of my way. I can do it." way about her!  

Her teachers call it "independence."  That, it is!  They follow this up with "Her independence will serve her well as an adult.  As a child, we'll have to work with her."

Yes, she is trying.  Yes, my heart stops on a daily basis as I watch her jump from heights that seem too high.  Yes, she wants what she wants and she wants it now.  Yes, we will have to work with her.

But, I love this about her.  Sometimes, this means I have an eager helper at my side.  Sometimes, this means I can steal a minute for myself while she takes her bath.  Sometimes, this means that she can clearly communicate what she wants if I'm only smart enough to listen.

This makes her unique in our household.  And I LOVE unique!

So, today I'm celebrating her independence, her growing up.

I'm also celebrating those moments when she is still too cute for words and the baby in her peeks through.


  1. Such sweet photos and your words paint such a loving portrait of your little one.

  2. :tears. I know a thing or two about the time flying with the youngest baby. ((hugs)) They grow too fast. Sigh. And FTR her lil cheekies are too much! I need to smoosh them!


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