Sunday, May 6, 2012

where do you see?

This morning we talked about where we see God.  For a quick and practical demonstration on this absolutely glorious, sunshiny day, we set the kids loose with the camera - to find God.  Each of us took a few photos of something that helped us see God.  Here are the places we found our Creator:

:: in the beautiful pinks and blues blossoming throughout the yard
:: in all things because God makes all things, even toy cell phones!
:: in sky and trees
:: in newly potted plants
:: in young sprouts of swiss chard
:: in a toad hopping through the backyard (a little blurry was the best I could get)
:: in the whimsical moments of children
:: in a child snuggling gently into her parents arms and falling asleep a few hours too early

Where do you see your Creator today?


  1. What an amazing lesson...I am continually so inspired by how you are making real to your children a living faith!

  2. So wonderful - an amazingly great activity!


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Peace be with you.