Tuesday, May 1, 2012

this is what you do

After Sunday's post, I've been feeling guilty.  Should I say those things so publicly about my child?  I want to be honest in this space and this is honestly what's filling my mind (and worry).  But so, so, so tough to read back. Sigh.

So...I thought I would follow that post with this:

Here's what you do with this child.  You find a moment with just her.  In that moment, you enter her world. Every bit of it.  And you play.  And you pretend.  And you allow her to lead.  And you follow.  And you watch.  And you laugh.  And you love.


  1. Sometimes it is that moment of taking time to breath and slow and be with our children (or specifically one child) that can make all the difference. That can sometimes be the answer we need.

    Your honesty is an important part of who you are...it always has been. But know this blog space is truly yours, to do with what you feel best. (Including deleting a post if you think it necessary.) That doesn't stop you from saving the text for yourself in a place that gives you pause and reflection and understanding.

    Sending love and peace to you and Pie.

  2. don't feel guilty, you did what you needed to do - then you figured it out - your honesty is good and it helped you! And others, because even though we'd like to believe that our children are perfect (and they are) they are only perfect in their own way...and while that can sometimes be ridiculously difficult for us to deal with, we need to be honest with ourselves. It's ok to admit that your child can make you a little nuts sometimes - you'd be one of a kind if she didn't! Accept her for who she is. Remember that a lot of what she's doing is a phase (though her actual personality may not be) and it may be her strength as an adult. What's wrong with a woman with a strong personality, hmmmmm? love you!


Please share your encouragement and positive thoughts about my posts. I do appreciate your encouragement and support through my journey.

Peace be with you.