Wednesday, February 29, 2012

a special canvas

My brother is a tattoo artist.  So, we are quite familiar with the body as a space for art.  Though I'm not sure this adventure was what tattoo artists really had in mind. Ahem.

Three littles armed with washable markers. One willing Papa. One stay-at-home Sunday afternoon with a lazy feel. One amazing piece of art!

If there is an award for Papa-of-the-year, I'd like to nominate my husband.  How many Papa's do you know that would willing lay down and offer their bare chests, arms, neck, hands, and feet for a little kid art, all the while smiling and laughing and encouraging and praising?  Oh boy, did these littles enjoy this time with their Papa.

Each of the children approached this canvas with their own personality fully serving as guide.  

The oldest was silly (or annoying as he likes to be called).  He drew silly pictures and wrote silly notes like "Muscle man" on Papa's biceps and "I'm sexy and I know it."  Okay.  Maybe not so appropriate. But he's 8 and thinks that statement is hilarious.  I'm not so certain he really knows what it means.  I am oh so certain that he doesn't care.

The youngest was in princess mode painting Papa's nails, making him a necklace, and adorning him with other pictorial interpretations of gems and jewelry.  She was certain to leave notes as well (with a little help from Mama).  She needed to be sure Daddy knows she loves him.  Not to be out done by big brother, she felt compelled to add a little silly too.

The middle lady takes her artwork seriously.  After all, she selected the largest territory of the canvas - the belly.  Ahem.  Starting with her favorite nickname (Papa Bear) she made two bubble letters and began to add colors, shapes, patterns, and her style in a bold and playful way all over Papa's chest and belly.  She even included his belly button into her creation!  This, of course, caused much laughter from a very ticklish Papa.

We've had our creative moments and really enjoy giving our children space and tools to experiment with their creativity.  But, this takes the cake.  I'm so thankful that I have this Papa around.  He is certainly one special canvas.


  1. He is indeed a rare breed, and I love him too.

  2. Wow, what a neat idea to fill a Sunday afternoon. And what a brave man. I'm sure the kiddos will remember coloring daddy for years to come :)

  3. What a trip...! Glad everyone had fun!

  4. Papa of the Year indeed! That last picture of your hubby is beautiful and I believe tells the story of how much he loved the tattoos too!


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