Wednesday, February 20, 2013

a new dawn

Today marks a milestone for our family.  Pie has officially been registered for Kindergarten and this signifies a new era for us.  All three children in school, majorly reduced daycare bills, and more independent children.

I'm sure you can imagine the bittersweet wrapped in this moment.  I look on at my daughter as she confidently takes the hand of a stranger, a woman she will know as teacher.  I sense pride welling up inside me knowing she is bright and will do well on their assessments. I know, too, that she is socially oh. so. ready. to learn and play with her school-aged peers.

But I look on with a flicker of sadness, too.  She's growing so fast and I do so love this age.  I love the quickly expanding and curious minds of toddlers and preschoolers.  I so love the silly things they say and the sparkle in their eyes at simple discoveries.  I will miss these years.  I will miss my babies.

Each age and stage has been met with delight.  Oh, there are challenges in all this growing to be sure.  Mostly my inability to step back and see the wisdom my children have already brought with them.  Despite the challenges, it is the beauty and warmth and snuggles and laughter that I remember most.  I'm thankful for this selective memory.

Today, I'm allowing myself to sit in this moment.  To feel the twinge of pain in my chest as I realize what is gone.  Just the same, I will wake tomorrow and allow myself to feel the anticipation and excitement that the future holds.  And I'm giving thanks for the past we've shared and the future we await and the present we hold for they are all so dear to me.

1 comment:

  1. Very exciting, and also bittersweet... so many moments to cherish!


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