Sunday, May 8, 2011

Winding Down

There is something about this time of year, when the earth, the flowers, the hours of sunlight are just beginning to wind up, that leads me to a time of winding down.  For twelve years, I've worked in higher education which means that May involves finals week, commencement, banquets, farewell receptions & dinners, goodbyes, closing buildings, and staff departures.  So, while the earth is waking, I feel my inner being slowing, holding my breath through the busyness of these next two weeks, staring out at the rest that I will take when it is all done.  And looking forward to the "slowing" that summer will bring.

This may be the first summer on record that I want to savor for its laziness, determined to be intentional about how we spend our days - casual, flexible, fun, together.  I hope to begin each day in meditation outside with the birds and crisp, cool air.  I hope to let the children sleep while I slip off to work early each morning.  I hope to leave work mid-afternoon to relieve my sitter and spend time playing before dinner.  I hope to take days off to spend at home, at the beach, at the zoo, and other places only our imagination can take us.  I hope to end each day with a walk alone sorting my thoughts and breathing in peace and tranquility.  Sounds fabulous doesn't it!?

Slowing down has been on my mind, as you can tell.  I told my son, not that long ago, that there is wisdom that says we should see ourselves having the things we want in life and then let it happen.  I can see.  So, I suppose it is time to let go!

What are your hopes and dreams this summer?

1 comment:

  1. I love this -- and love your intentionality about your time this summer with your family. I am reminded how our lives are made up of our moments.

    :) You've inspired me!


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Peace be with you.