Monday, October 3, 2011

our classroom

So . . . recently I made the realization that I want to teach.  Some have already asked, "what are you thinking of teaching?"  Good question.  Really!

I'm not sure, to be exact.  But I know that feeding the minds of others thrills me so.  Watching the aha moments of engaged learners is a delight.  The subject area is a bit elusive at the moment.  But, I'm thinking that's okay.

There are three major and incredibly connected subject areas that resonate so loudly with me some days I think I can't hear anything else - faith, diversity and social justice.  If you know of a place where I can learn about teaching all of the above, be sure to let me know (ahem)!

It is also no secret that we've been searching for a church home. What we've found are places that talk a lot about God and the right way to believe in Him OR places that profess that finding a spiritual path is an individual journey; therefore, leaving finding God up to us.  I find that we (me and my husband) want something in between and feel saddened in our journey.

So, I got to thinking (uh oh!).  What if I tap into my desire to teach and husband and I turn our home into a Sunday morning classroom.  Somewhat of a Sunday School Home School! (For those of you that know me well, I can feel your jaw dropping!)  Husband liked the idea and jumped on board. 

The goal is to focus on social justice and diversity and connect our own understanding of the Bible with these lessons.  We'll use Bible stories, children's book, crafts, and music as teaching tools.  We'll decide as a family where to give our Sunday morning offering (cancer care, world vision, local food pantries . . . the choices are endless).  So excited!

And here it is . . . our classroom.

I need to acknowledge one source of inspiration for this.  A student invited me to chapel on Friday where she was speaking.  I've worked closely with her and admire her courage in life.  She shared that her parents were not churched when she was young, but she observed their faith through their every day interactions with people, their kindness, their giving, their service to others.  How important modeling behavior is for children.  I want to be sure that husband and I are modeling our faith in our every day interaction, rather than in our once a week obligation.

Happy learning!


  1. Perfect! My jaw isn't dropping, because I know you are so beautifully an educator in so many ways! I love that you are doing this -- such a loving, creative way to role model, but to honestly face the challenge of a spiritual home right now.

    Embrace the church that is your home!

  2. Amen and amen (mom)


Please share your encouragement and positive thoughts about my posts. I do appreciate your encouragement and support through my journey.

Peace be with you.