Thursday, October 6, 2011


I've never realized this, but I have a thing for spider webs.  Spiders - not so much.  But webs, it seems to me, are a great metaphor for the Universe.  

They're a great learning opportunity, too (says the teacher in me).  I often use a web activity with teams to demonstrate the interconnectedness of each team member and the importance they each play toward the health of the team.  If one drops their piece of the web, they compromise the whole web and, thus, the whole team. It is one of my favorite activities.

I am always amazed at the intricacy of the web - each strand constructed artfully, patiently, uniquely.  Each strand bearing the weight of the next, but contributing to the beauty of the whole.  Braun and beauty (ahem).

For me, this paints such a fitting analogy to how I see the world.  Each of us unique, in color, creed, culture.  Unique in body, mind, and spirit.  Each one of us beautifully crafted as self; yet, interdependent on all others.  The whole of the Universe is affected by what happens to each piece - the birth and death of each living thing. Awe-inspiring and temporary, these tiny little webs.

Here are a few for you to enjoy . . .

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are gorgeous! I find that spider webs are so hard to capture in all of their beauty -- and you did it!

    Love the analogies too...oh so good!


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