Saturday, July 23, 2011


I've been quiet this week.  Fortunately, I've somehow mustered enough self-control to refrain from moaning and groaning about an awfully hot week, with no a/c at work, too much to do, yada, yada, yada.  I chose silence (and a little brooding and self-pity) and thought it better for everyone.

But, today we figured out how to deal with this heat wave and even found a few little friends who are soaking it up!

We started by moving all the beds down one floor where it is cooler.  Having had little to no sleep, I and the three little ones slept almost 11 hours each!  Good call . . .

Then, we played a little - inside.

Yes, I love that my oldest daughter wanted to capture the moment with her camera (just like her mamma!).

Then, we ventured outside with the promise of water play.

While we were outside, we found those creatures - the few on the earth - that love this scorching heat, hovering humidity, and stormy rains.

So, we tended them.

I read somewhere, some years ago to Choose Your Attitude.  I read it again on facebook this week - my dad's advice to my little brother.  I think our growing garden plants have done that well.  Hopefully, I will too!

How are you handling the heat?


  1. Sounds like you found a creative way to beat the heat - I think it's something your kids will always remember! I have A/C at work, but not at home... it's been a struggle, but we're dealing!

  2. love it: choose your attitude. I always try and remind myself that thoughts are a choice. every thought, every time.

  3. Love the mattresses one floor down! Cooler indeed. And I can hear it ten years from now...."Remember that summer we moved our beds downstairs and all slept like a slumber party?!"

    The first picture of you -- priceless! :)


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Peace be with you.