Monday, February 21, 2011


Love (daughter's craft project)

I know, I'm a little late for Valentine's Day!  But, I've been thinking a lot about LOVE lately because...

I recently read Eat Pray Love and she talked a lot about the fullness and wholeness and richness and warmth of God's love which she discovered during her meditation practice while in India.

Because I want to know that kind of love (not that I don't know love), but I long to know God's love so intimately.

Because this journey has been bringing me closer to the love of my life (my husband).

Because yesterday's Gospel reading was from Matthew in which we are encouraged to not only love when it is easy, but to love when it is tough.

Because I want to work with my students in a way that is patient and comes from love, rather than judgment and frustration.

Because I have three children that remind me daily of what love is - a colored picture, a hug, a gift made at school, a song, a dance, a joke, laughter.

Good and gracious God, 
Thank you for your love, unconditional and ever present.  Thank you for loving us, even when it is tough.  Thank you for children who are shining examples of your love.  Help me to be an example of your love to all those in my life - my family, my friends, my coworkers, my students, even to those who I will find tough to love!

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