Thursday, March 24, 2011

Context, please

I came upon  a website this evening which made me say "Amen!"  

I've mentioned many times in my writing that I believe our faith formation is largely context bound, meaning if we are born into Christianity we are likely to live our lives as Christians.  If we are born in the Middle East and know only Islam, I believe we will practice Islam.  Yes, many question their faith.  Some change denominations or groups within their faith tradition.  And, yes, some will convert.  

But, I know how strongly I feel rooted in my on Christian tradition.  I know that in my questioning, I will remain a faithful believer of the Gospel.  I'm also confident that I would continue to practice Buddhism if I was born into it and would not be swayed to convert to Christianity.

Recently, we've been teaching my son the concept of context. At age seven, he is proficient at sharing a highlight of his day as a short and simple statement that appears to have come from nowhere. 

"Mom, Greg only had his underwear on when that woman saw him."

With a screwed up face that reads "Huh," we reply, "Context, please."

"Oh, in the book Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules, Greg is running around in his underwear and hides in a bathroom and a woman is in the stall next to him and she realizes that he is in there."

Even my seven year old son realizes the importance context can play in helping one fully understand a story, a culture, a people, a faith.

The link above is an excerpt from a speech the Dalai Lama gave on Religious Harmony.  He highlights some of the threads and commonalities most world religions share.  He shows respect, genuine and heart-felt respect, for any person whether they have faith or not. He acknowledges the role context plays in our lives and our faith.

This speech was, for me, affirming and inspiring.  Perhaps I feel I've been granted  permission to believe that we are all going to Heaven (or can all achieve Nirvana) and, with a smirk on my face, can say, because the Dalai Lama said so.

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