And when I say F.A.M.I.L.Y., I don't mean the five of us living under this roof. I mean aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents - the whole kit and caboodle.
I have to admit, because I'm good at being busy and because that busy always felt so meaningful and important, I've not always been real good about "doing" family. I'm horrible at phone calls and birthday cards. I'm not great at planning short trips to see my grandmother or my aunts and uncles that live near. I'm not good at letters or emails, though Facebook has helped in this area. You could say that I've taken F.A.M.I.L.Y. a bit for granted.
As the last few months have unfolded and I've stopped to notice the world around me, family has taken a much more prominent seat. So when the opportunity came to take my children and go out to eat with my aunt and uncle visiting from Florida, I jumped.
My uncle and Grandma |
My aunt |
I also learned how important extended family is to my children. Somehow my children knew that because these folks were called "aunt" and "uncle," they mattered. They also knew that this was Grandpa's brother, so they expected a lot of silliness. They got it!
Dad |
Tickle Fest - Wonder who initiated this? Her? Him? |
Uncle pulling their leg! |
Tickle Fest - Not to be out done by his little sister! |
And as only true Italian families "do", there were plenty of stories, lots of food, a few loud voices, hugs and kisses, laughter and love.
Mmmm . . .Chocolate! |
Too much grown up talk! |
But for me, the part I cherish the most, are the moments my children and I can still share with my Grandma - who is 86 and recently confronted heart surgery like a champ, by the way!
She started this mess . . . and I'm glad she did!
What a wonderfully honest admission...and so glad to know that the realization has helped you embrace these opportunities for family!!