Monday, June 20, 2011

A Summer Rain

At first, my skin feels sticky and the air thick.
Then comes the smell - sweet, cool, wet.

Next comes the light and delicate pitter patter.
Nature's orchestra commences its concert;
first lullaby, then march.
The occasional large drop reveals the solo instrument.

The night breeze grows cool over my bare skin
and the gentle rain lulls me to sleep.
This is Peace.


  1. a budding poet, too. Nice job. mom

  2. G, this is beautiful. The puddle, the words, the sentiment that you are able to capture!

    I am amazed at the reflection and growth you are experiencing and am honored to have a front row seat via your blog!

    Thank you dear friend!


Please share your encouragement and positive thoughts about my posts. I do appreciate your encouragement and support through my journey.

Peace be with you.