Monday, April 11, 2011

Pure Potentiality

The first Spiritual Law is Pure Potentiality.  My first reaction was "what on earth is potentiality."  So, I started with Webster's definition which states the inherent capacity for coming into being or the inherent capacity for growth, development, or coming into existence.

Chopra describes it as the capacity of our spirit or soul to see limitless and infinite opportunities or options in any given moment.  The challenge is that our mind thinks in terms of limits - classifications, labels, judgment.  So, to know pure potentiality is to move beyond our limited minds and look into our unbound soul.

Chopra suggests three ways to enact the law of pure potentiality:
Meditation (check!)  - He says that accessing your soul is to access the space between your thoughts.  2 1/2 months into meditation and I have only seen the space between thoughts for a handful of moments.  But, the silence makes me more patient and less reactive to the normal stresses of life.

Non-judgment (umm, not check!) - This will be a stretch for me.  Judging, organizing, categorizing, labeling, defining.  These are the things I'm good at and, quite frankly, what I get paid to do.  A natural progression, then, is to bring that same judgment into my relationships.  I do this quite well, also.  Having said that, I've employed the "allow what is" mantra in my daily life and have noticed that this simple attitude shift has made me much more patient with some of the personalities that typically stress me.  Chopra suggests beginning each day by saying "Today I will judge nothing that happens."

Commune with nature - In that we are breathing creatures and our breath helps plant life breathe and all life requires water which is connected to the moon and stars, it is not difficult to understand why nature would help us access our soul.  It is difficult for me to consider communing with nature during long, harsh, gray, and cold winters, but with spring arriving, I'm hopeful. Surely I recall walks in the woods that have yielded a clear head and heart perhaps quieting the way for the soul to be heard.

Things to ponder and to practice.  More to come...

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Please share your encouragement and positive thoughts about my posts. I do appreciate your encouragement and support through my journey.

Peace be with you.