Saturday, April 9, 2011


I went for a walk this evening and something struck me.  When I started this blog, there was a lot of momentum in my writing and my spiritual journey. Of course, I was on leave from work recovering from surgery.  I couldn't take care of anyone, so I was intent on taking care of myself - at least the parts that have been consistently placed on hold.

I've been back to work for a few weeks now and I recall a post where I expressed my deepest hope that I could continue this journey.  The journey has changed, to be sure, but I've kept it up.  One thing I know I had hoped for was a deepening exploration of Eastern religion and practice, particularly meditation and yoga. 

I've been meditating - every day.  My current guide is a very western interpretation of meditation and, while a good place to begin different approaches to meditation, it is hardly the spiritual meditation practice I am seeking.  So, lately, I've been concerned about becoming disinterested and felt like I was losing the energy behind the journey.  "Well, I guess that eastern thing was a fad.  You know, you never can commit to anything outside work and family and sustain it," was a thought I had just days ago.

Ealier today I ran across a DVD I had ordered while on leave.  Actually, it was a free offer on facebook since one of my "interests" is listed as yoga.  I'm not usually attentive to ads, but free and yoga caught my eye.  I watched it this afternoon.  Good stuff!

I've decided my next step will be to watch the information regarding each individual spiritual law no less than one week at a time.  I'll write about the spiritual law, meditate on the spiritual law, and practice that law.  I'm typically a deadline person, but I fear setting parameters on this journey will be prohibitive and defeating.  So, if I'm not ready to move on at the end of each week, I won't.  If I am, I will.

What struck me on my walk was that I've had this DVD for weeks, long before I started to lose my energy.  All along, I had the resource in hand to keep my energy alive.  But, it also struck me that I have willed this resource (among others) into my life.  In the DVD, Chopra talks about knowing what you want and getting out of the way to allow it to happen.  This isn't too different from the definition of meditation suggested by Davich - "allow what is."

I am willing and renewed to continue the spiritual journey I began only a few short months ago.  But, I also know, through today's epiphany, that I am not alone on this journey.  Something or someone bigger has a hand in it as well!


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